欧美综艺 我的乡村音乐第一季 更新至第08集

39 次观看时间:2023-04-11 13:20:51


演员:瑞茜·威瑟斯彭,凯茜·马斯格雷夫斯,Orville Peck,Mickey Guyton,Darren Capozzi,Jimmie Allen

导演:Adam Blackstone





  My Kind of Country is a fresh take on a competition series, breaking down barriers in country music by providing an extraordinary opportunity to diverse and innovative artists from around the world. Scouts Allen, Guyton and Peck each hand-pick a roster of exceptional up-and-coming artists and invite them to the home of country music in Nashville, Tennessee, to showcase their unique sound. The competition winner will receive a life-changing prize from Apple Music, receiving unprecedented support and exposure on the platform.

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