5 次观看时间:2022-06-30 08:12:31
演员:Sandra Barsotti,Camilo Beviláqua
导演:Joffre Rodrigues
根据巴西著名剧作家Nelson Rodrigues的戏剧改编成的电影,导演是他儿子,影片在色彩和造型上很漂亮. Hallucination, Reality and Memory, In a Surrealistic Daydream In 1942, in Rio de Janeiro, the twenty-five years old Alaíde (Simone Spoladore) is run over while crossing Carioca Street. She arrives in coma in the hospital, and while being submitted to an emergency surgery, she recalls her life since her family moved to a fo...
别名:The Wedding Veil
别名:The Burning Wedding Veil
别名:The Wedding Veil Legacy
别名:女儿的嫁衣(台),婚纱,Wedding Dress
别名:The Wedding Veil Inspiration
别名:The Wedding Veil Expectations
别名:女儿的嫁衣(台) / 婚纱 / Wedding Dress
别名:米奇17号,米奇17,米奇7号,Mickey 7
别名:Always Have Always Will
别名:Girls on Wire
别名:神雕侠侣 | 神雕侠侣初篇 | Condor Hero
别名:Simon of the Mountain / 少年西蒙的烦恼(台)
别名:Les Prisonnières,Portraits Trompeurs,Visiting Hours
别名:Octopus with Broken Arms