James Purefoy stars as William Travers, a criminal barrister who is recovering from a traumatic series of events that have shaken his belief in the legal system.
On the surface, Travers is a picture of success; an accomplished criminal barrister happily living with his wife (played by Dervla Kirwan) in rural Suffolk.
However, Travers is still recovering from events in his past when he is drawn into a case that involves his old friend Martin Newall (Nathaniel Parker), who faces conspiracy and murder charges while at the same time being investigated by a vicious and vengeful detective DS Mark Wenborn (Creed Miles).
The five-part series from acclaimed writer Anthony Horowitz (Collision, Foyle's War) is a story of friendship, conspiracy, betrayal and murder as well as a critical look at the way the legal system operates.
别名:正义联盟神明与怪物 | 正义联盟神魔世界 | 正义联盟神与魔 | 正义联盟众神与野兽
别名:Truth and Justice
别名:Truth and Justice
别名:正念与谋杀 | 正义与杀戮 | Mindfulness and Murder | Sop Mai Ngieb
别名:蝙蝠侠大战超人 / 蝙蝠侠对超人:正义曙光(港/台) / 蝙蝠侠与超人:正义黎明 / Batman vs. Superman / BvS
别名:蝙蝠侠大战超人 | 蝙蝠侠对超人正义曙光(港 | 台) | 蝙蝠侠与超人正义黎明 | Batman vs. Superman | BvS
别名:Black Fox: Good Men and Bad
别名:掠食者联盟 | 喰らえ!捕食者の必殺ハンティング
别名:1923 第二季 | 黄石前传 | 黄石1932
别名:斯嘉丽小姐和公爵 / 斯嘉丽小姐 / Miss Scarlet and the Duke
别名:超胆侠重生 | 夜魔侠(重启版) | Daredevil
别名:Doc — Nelle tue mani US version