动作片 谈判专家 HD

别名:无法妥协 / Non Negotiable

270 次观看时间:2024-07-28 11:21:57


别名:无法妥协 / Non Negotiable

演员:马里修·奥查曼,Tato Alexander,Geraldine Zinat,Fernanda Borches,雷昂那多·奥提兹格尔斯,Daniel Garcia,Isabella Arroyo

导演:Juan Taratuto





  Alan Binder is a skillful hostage negotiator, the best in Mexico, who will soon face the most crucial case of his career when the President and his lover are kidnapped. The kidnapper demands to negotiate only with him.

谈判专家2002国语 已完结

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谈判专家2002粤语 已完结

别名:谈判高手 / Take My Word For It

谈判专家粤语 HD

别名:谈判 / 王牌对王牌 / Crisis Negotiators

谈判专家国语 HD

别名:谈判 / 王牌对王牌 / Crisis Negotiators

谈判专家 HD

别名:Running Out of Time

谈判专家[预告片] 预告片

别名:谈判 / 王牌对王牌 / Crisis Negotiators

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别名:谈判,王牌对王牌,Crisis Negotiators

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别名:谈判专家(台) / Running Out of Time

谈判专家2024 HD

别名:无法妥协 | Non Negotiable

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