17 次观看时间:2023-05-23 12:33:01
导演:Pau Faus
On the outskirts of Barcelona, a farmer and his herd live next door to a hi-tech lab that does animal testing. The farmer—who is suffering from a bone disease—witnesses the disappearance of his profession, while the scientists are busier than ever. With humour and elegance, Fauna intertwines the world of humans, animals and science during pandemic times. 源自:https://www.visionsd...
别名:万物生灵:自求多福 / 万物既伟大又渺小:2023圣诞特别集 / All Creatures Great and Small: 2023 Christmas Special
别名:The Theory of Everything / The Universal Theory / A Teoria Universal / 爱的时空效应(台) / 爱的万有理论(港)
别名:万物生灵,万物生灵 第一季 All Creatures Great and Small Season 1
别名:新万物生灵 | 万物既伟大又渺小 | 芸芸众生
别名:新万物生灵 / 万物既伟大又渺小 / 芸芸众生
别名:新万物生灵 / 万物既伟大又渺小 / 芸芸众生
别名:Explanatory Gap
别名:纽约灾星:第二部分 / The Jinx: Part Two / The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst
别名:PorschArm的婚礼 / 波施昂姆的婚礼
别名:梦想改造家 第十一季 / 梦想改造家11
别名:Spectacles of Life