35 次观看时间:2023-08-10 16:16:04
演员:Anne-Carolyne Binette,Dean Persons,Osawa Muskwa
导演:Ding Wang
During the pandemic, the present camp owner is forced to entertain the new buyer then learns of his evil intentions towards the land. In order to stop the sale he has tricks up his sleeve but a zombie uprising was never one of them.
别名:地球末日战(港) / 末日之战(台) / 末日Z战
别名:地球末日战(港) | 末日之战(台) | 末日Z战
别名:Zombies! Prepping for the Apocalypse
别名:2012末日预言(港) | 2012世界末日 | 2012地球毁灭 | Farewell Atlantis | 2012 3D
别名:15区 | 亏机僵尸末日
别名:世界末日的时刻,世界末日 Armageddon Time
别名:749异族崛起 | 两万里计划 | Bureau 749
别名:P计划 / 我不是熊猫 / Panda Plan
别名:台北追缉令 / 周末逃亡计划 / The Weekend Escape / Weekend in Taipei
别名:危机救援 | High Forces
别名:底师兄2 行刑师(港) / 辣手警探2(台) / Veteran 2
别名:毒液3 | 毒魔终极一舞(港) | 猛毒最终章Last Dance(台) | 毒液3最后之舞 | Venom 3 | Venom vs Spider-Man