22 次观看时间:2023-06-22 09:53:36
演员:Ranodeep Bose,Soumendra Bhattacharya,Subholina Sen,Ananya Biswas
导演:Qaushiq Mukherjee,Nikon
Four desperate teenagers. A night of sexy mayhem. The big city. Or so the plan goes, until a series of misadventures later, Babai, Pele, Ria and Payal end up in a locked shopping mall in the dead of the night. Alone at last... until an old couple appears out of nowhere with a piece of folded leather and a glass container with two dice made of bone. A game. Simple, but deadly. They call it Ludo. A game defiled by a young couple centuries ago. An unbreakable curse, a living board, eons of bloodbath spanning the subcontinent. A game that has reached this city. Not just monsters, but prisoners of fate. Immortal lovers existing under a curse that will not die. They live within the game. Blood must spill. Bone must shatter. Beware the rattle of the Ludo dice.
别名:睡美人的诅咒 The Curse of Sleeping Beauty2016,睡美人的诅咒 The Curse of Sleeping Beauty
别名:Boo! | 桥谷镇的诅咒(台)
别名:志愿军第二部 | 志愿军雄兵出击2 | 志愿军再起风云 | 志愿军三部曲2 | 抗美援朝(第二部) | 伟大的胜利2 | 战与祀 | The Volunteers: To the War 2 | The Volunteers: The Battle of Life and Death
别名:大乔小乔(电影版) | The Unseen Sister
别名:虎狼之路 | 虎狼行动 | 大路与樱 | Tiger Wolf Rabbit | Tiger Wolf Road
别名:婚姻往事 | 亲爱的妈妈 | Like A Rolling Stone
别名:玛利亚 / 玛丽亚
别名:おいしい給食 Road to イカメシ