剧情片 遥远的地方 HD

别名:A Far Shore / Vzdáleni / Tooi tokoro

23 次观看时间:2023-08-21 23:29:47


别名:A Far Shore / Vzdáleni / Tooi tokoro

演员:花濑琴音 ,石田夢実,佐久间祥朗,长谷川月起,松冈依都美,小倉綾乃,高橋雄祐,カトウシンスケ,中岛步,岩谷健司,岩永洋昭,米本学仁,浜田信也,尚玄,上地春奈,早織,宇野祥平,池田成志,吉田妙子






  An unadorned perspective on impoverished life in Okinawa. 17-year-old Aoi works as a nightclub hostess in order to earn rent money and to provide for her little boy and his lazy father, who has no qualms about hitting his wife. Yet how dark does reality have to get before it stifles the rays of hope that filter through?

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