欧美综艺 极限钓鱼之终极捕猎第二季 已完结

别名:Robson Green's Ultimate Catch

19 次观看时间:2022-06-01 22:41:57


别名:Robson Green's Ultimate Catch







  In this new series Robson Green pushes the angling boundaries further than ever before in search of the Ultimate Catch.
  Travelling to incredible locations renowned for their fishing potential, at the perfect time in the angling calendar, Robson flies thousands of miles across the globe to be in the right place, with the right fishing guides, at exactly the right time. But even then its not going to be easy.
  Thunderstorms, drought, high winds and flash floods all have their part to play, and Robson will have to use every ounce of his fishing know-how, combined with the local guides and legends, if he wants to hook into the Ultimate Catch. Hell be fishing for huge predators in the mid Atlantic, hunting from a canoe in a lush volcanic crater, sight-casting on mysterious rivers in deep jungles, and learning local techniques from indigenous fishermen. Hell be hunting down migratory giants, netting huge crabs, free-diving for a shape-shifting octopus, night-fishing for a huge catfish, and ...

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