欧美综艺 揭秘亚瑟王 已完结


21 次观看时间:2022-04-28 14:57:13



演员:Simon Armitage






  Poet Simon Armitage traces the evolution of the Arthurian legend through the literature of the medieval age and reveals that King Arthur is not the great national hero he is usually considered to be. He's a fickle and transitory character who was appropriated by the Normans to justify their conquest, he was cuckolded when French writers began adapting the story and it took Thomas Malory's masterpiece of English literature, Le Mort d'Arthur, to restore dignity and reclaim him as the national hero we know today.

亚瑟王的不列颠:真相揭晓 HD

别名:King Arthur's Britain: The Truth Unearthed

亚瑟王:斗兽争霸 HD

别名:亚瑟王:圣剑传奇 / 亚瑟:王者之剑(台) / 神剑亚瑟王(港) / 亚瑟王:圆桌骑士 / 亚瑟王:剑之传奇 / 亚瑟王:石中剑传说 / 新亚瑟王 / 圆桌骑士 / King Arthur

亚瑟王 HD

别名:王者无敌(港) | 阿瑟王

亚瑟王导演剪辑版 HD


亚瑟王:神剑崛起 HD

别名:Excalibur Rising | 亚瑟神剑崛起

亚瑟3:终极对决 HD

别名:亚瑟和他的迷你王国3 | 亚瑟和他的迷你王国3终极对决

亚瑟和他的迷你王国 HD

别名:亚瑟和迷你王国 / 亚瑟和迷你墨王国 / 亚瑟的奇幻王国:毫发人的冒险 / 迷你魔界大冒险 / Arthur and the Minimoys / Arthur and the Invisibles

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