欧美综艺 现代狙击手 第一季 更新至第3集

40 次观看时间:2022-06-01 22:25:21

现代狙击手 第一季

演员:U.S. Military

导演:Eric Katzenberg,Damian Smith,Nathan Daniel





  The definition of a Sniper is: "A skilled military shooter detailed to spot and pick off enemy soldiers from a concealed place." Look at the advanced training techniques that transform these ordinary men into smart, inventive soldiers.
  Snipers today face challenges and missions that their predecessors could have only dreamed of. As warfare and technology advances, the tools, tactics, and techniques of the sniper must follow.
  Delve into what it takes to be one of the top tier snipers in the Marine Corps, focusing on land navigation/camouflage, stalking techniques, weapons/marksmanship and most importantly, surveillance.
  Modern Sniper Coast Guard explores the role of the famous HITRON UNIT and their duty to stop the flow of illegal drugs into America one sniper shot at a time.

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