别名:They Want Me Gone
导演:Drew Britton
Working hard to support her daughter, Monica's a single mother trying to make ends meet while trapped in rural poverty. From years of struggling and feeling confined, she becomes anxious that she still has a chance to leave. But the surroundings begin to take hold as she gets caught in threatening circumstances. She starts to feel suffocated and loses trust in the people around her as the desire to leave and obtain a better life for herself and daughter becomes more perilous.
别名:你想让我干掉他吗? | You Want Me to Kill Him?
别名:当你离开的时候(台) | 陌生人 | 当我离开时 | 当我们离开时 | When We Leave
别名:As Sick As They Made Us
别名:让我们怀揣梦想 | 成就梦想(字幕组译名)
别名:辉夜大小姐让我想告白~天才们的恋爱头脑战~ Final
别名:辉夜大小姐让我想告白~天才们的恋爱头脑战~ Final
别名:志愿军第二部 | 志愿军雄兵出击2 | 志愿军再起风云 | 志愿军三部曲2 | 抗美援朝(第二部) | 伟大的胜利2 | 战与祀 | The Volunteers: To the War 2 | The Volunteers: The Battle of Life and Death
别名:大乔小乔(电影版) | The Unseen Sister
别名:虎狼之路 | 虎狼行动 | 大路与樱 | Tiger Wolf Rabbit | Tiger Wolf Road
别名:婚姻往事 | 亲爱的妈妈 | Like A Rolling Stone
别名:玛利亚 / 玛丽亚
别名:おいしい給食 Road to イカメシ