剧情片 摇篮曲2023 HD

时间:2024-03-04 19:49:37


演员:Chloé Djandji,尚塔尔·图伊,Jean Bui,Olivier Dinh,Xavier Nguyen,卡琳·瓦纳斯,帕特里斯·罗比塔耶,Mali Corbeil-Gauvreau,玛丽-塞雷斯·福廷,Richard Fréchette






  After a dangerous sea crossing and a stay in a camp in Malaysia, the young Vietnamese Tinh and her family are accepted as refugees in Canada and arrive in Montreal where they begin their new life. But for Tinh, adapting has its share of difficulties. Already shy and reserved by nature, she must learn a new language and integrate into her new environment. Haunted by the hardships of the journey, Tinh will have to draw deep within herself the resilience necessary for her survival and her happiness.

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