动作片 狮子方舟 HD

30 次观看时间:2023-01-10 23:46:21


演员:Remy Ballivan,鲍勃·巴克,Martin Beltran

导演:Tim Phillips





  More action adventure than traditional documentary, Lion Ark follows the world's most ambitious and daring animal rescue, with a narrative meticulously compiled from film, interviews, conversations and the reactions of participants as events actually unfold. A shocking undercover investigation leads to a ban on animal circuses in Bolivia. But the circuses defy the law. The team behind the investigation return, track down the illegal circuses and save every animal. The confrontations, heartache and incredible risks the rescue team face are all captured before a joyous finale sees 25 lions airlifted to freedom in Colorado. An uplifting story of bravery, compassion, camaraderie and determination. How a poor but proud country said 'no' to cruelty and how attitudes to animals were changed across an entire continent.
  狮子方舟是一部相比传统更加冒险的纪录片,记录了世界上最雄心勃勃,最大胆的动物救援,通过影像,采访,对话和参与者的反应精心展开叙事。一项令人震惊的秘密调查促成了玻利维亚马戏团禁用动物法案。但是马戏团无视法律。这支调查团队回到这片土地,追踪非法马戏团并拯救每一只动物。救援队面临了反抗,心痛和难以置信的风险,直至迎来美好的结局:25只狮子空运到科罗拉多州重获自由。 这是一个充满勇气,同情,友情和决心的令人振奋的故事。这是关于一个贫穷而骄傲的国家对残酷说不并改变了整个区域对动物的态度的故事。

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