22 次观看时间:2023-09-22 15:18:38
演员:克里斯·辛普曼,格兰特·舒马赫,James Liddell
After a mysterious accident at a research camp on the Isle of Gran Manan, a CEO hires a team of blue-collar mercenaries to extract his daughter, a scientist working at the camp. Upon arrival, the team soon learns that not only is the island surrounded by a wormhole that causes time to reset every three days, but it's also crawling with hideous monsters. As they learn more about the nature of time, space, and the creatures on the island, they quickly realize that death may be the easiest way to escape the island.
别名:谜·离岛(港) / 逃出梦幻岛(台)
别名:谎岛叛变(港) / 绝地再生(台) / 逃离克隆岛 / 神秘岛
别名:逃出絕命島 | awaken
别名:谜·离岛(港) | 逃出梦幻岛(台)
别名:谎岛叛变(港) | 绝地再生(台) | 逃离克隆岛 | 神秘岛
别名:美国队长4勇敢新世界(港) | 美国队长无畏新世界(台) | 美国队长4新世界秩序 | 美队4 | Captain America 4 | Captain America: New World Order
别名:忍者蝙蝠侠2 / ニンジャバットマン対ヤクザリーグ / 蝙蝠侠忍者大战极道联盟
别名:贼斗2(港) | 极盗战2(台) | 钻石大劫案极盗战(台) | 贼巢2绝密战境 | 极盗战线 | Den of Thieves 2: Pantera
别名:射雕三部曲1,The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Great Hero
别名:封神第二部 / 封神三部曲之魔道争锋 / 封神三部曲2 / 封神演义系列·龙之战2 / Creation of The Gods Ⅱ: Demon Forces Demon
别名:神雕侠侣 / 神雕侠侣:初篇 / Condor Hero