纪录片 夺宝奇兵!史上最伟大饭制电影的故事 HD


31 次观看时间:2022-09-12 18:19:54




导演:Jeremy Coon,Tim Skousen





  In 1981, two 11 year-olds in Mississippi set our to remake their favorite film: RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. With the help of all their friends, it took them seven years to complete in their basement. Except one scene, the airplane scene. Thirty years later, they set out to finally finish their fan film and full realize their childhood dream. This is the story behind the making of what is known as the greatest fan film ever made.

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别名:Time Warp: The Greatest Cult Films of All-Time- Vol. 3 Comedy and Camp

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别名:Time Warp: The Greatest Cult Films of All-Time- Vol. 2 Horror and Sci-Fi

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