时间:2023-08-07 12:50:38
演员:罗芙洛,理查德·诺顿,Keith Cooke
China O’brien; big city police woman; martial arts trainer, is forced to hand in her badge and head home to her father and the small town where she grew up. The peaceful town she knew is now struggling against the clutches of organized crime. When her father, the town sheriff, is killed China decides to run for his position and clean up the town. The poll results spark a series of confrontations that finally decide who runs the town
别名:罪逆判官(港) / 释罪
别名:罪逆判官(港) | 释罪
别名:纽约杀人夜(港) / 谜之罪夜 / 罪夜之谜 / 罪恶之夜 / 迷夜 / 事发当晚 / 黑夜里的正义 / 司法审判 / Criminal Justice
别名:翻译官2 / 亲爱的翻译官2谈判官 / Negotiator
别名:探长来访 / 神探驾到 / 探长驾到 / 检察官来访
别名:美国队长4勇敢新世界(港) | 美国队长无畏新世界(台) | 美国队长4新世界秩序 | 美队4 | Captain America 4 | Captain America: New World Order
别名:Beyond The Sin
别名:The Grey Men Ⅱ
别名:红海行动2 / 红海行动2:蛟龙行动 / 红海行动2:虎鲸行动 / Operation Leviathan / Operation Hadal
别名:封神第二部 / 封神三部曲之魔道争锋 / 封神三部曲2 / 封神演义系列·龙之战2 / Creation of The Gods Ⅱ: Demon Forces Demon
别名:毒液3 | 毒魔终极一舞(港) | 猛毒最终章Last Dance(台) | 毒液3最后之舞 | Venom 3 | Venom vs Spider-Man