别名:Tempestade do Deserto: Início da Guerra / Operation Desert Storm:War Begins / 作戦”砂漠の嵐”~CNN湾岸戦争の全貌~
14 次观看时间:2021-12-29 10:13:18
别名:Tempestade do Deserto: Início da Guerra / Operation Desert Storm:War Begins / 作戦”砂漠の嵐”~CNN湾岸戦争の全貌~
On August 2, 1990 Iraqi tanks rumbled into the tiny oil-rich emirate of Kuwait, triggering the turmoil that would soon engulf many of the world's nations in war. Through months of tough talk and bloody combat, CNN's global newsgathering forces reported the story live from Baghdad and Riyadh, Washington and Moscow, Jerusalem and Amman. Now CNN's award-winning documentary team "Special Reports" knits the network's unprecedented coverage into a compelling tale of the extraordinary leaders and warriors, the history, the diplomatic ploys and battlefield stratagems in the opening chapters of war in the gulf.
别名:沙漠心风暴(台) / Sufat Chol / Sand Storm / סופת חול
别名:沙漠英豪 / 撒哈拉沙漠狙击战 / 血战撒哈拉
别名:Stranded / 神灵 / 围困
别名:Explanatory Gap
别名:纽约灾星:第二部分 / The Jinx: Part Two / The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst
别名:梦想改造家 第十一季 / 梦想改造家11
别名:Are You Sure?!
别名:Are You Sure?!