喜剧片 欢迎来到谋杀镇:谁杀了圣诞老人? HD

40 次观看时间:2022-12-15 22:41:58


演员:威尔·阿奈特,杰森·贝特曼,莉莉安·博登,库尔特·布劳诺勒,Dennice Cisneros,伊丽莎·库伯,陶尼·纽萨姆,Courtney Parchman,玛娅·鲁道夫,Haneefah Wood






  Senior Detective Terry Seattle is back and this time, the case is critical. Along with his two celebrity guest stars, Jason Bateman and Maya Rudolph, he is on a mission to figure out...who killed Santa? But here's the catch: Jason Bateman and Maya Rudolph aren't being given the script. They have no idea what's about to happen to them. Together, with Terry Seattle (and many surprises), they will have to improvise their way through the case... but it will be up to both of them to name the killer.

欢迎来到谋杀镇:谁杀了圣诞老人? 2022 HD

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