剧情片 邪神女巫会 HD

23 次观看时间:2022-09-06 23:45:29


演员:Portia Chellelynn,朱莉·安妮·普雷斯科特,Andrea Collins

导演:Bobby Easley





  Graduate student Alice Gilman is running from an abusive past. She seeks refuge in the infamous Hannah house; a historic home with an ominous past. Determined to prove the possibility of alternate dimensions, she unknowingly unlocks a gateway to unimaginable horror. Facing a series of bizarre and violent events, Alice is plagued by nightmarish dreams of these evil entities. Trapped between the 4th dimension and reality, the diabolical truth is revealed as Alice fights for her sanity and her very soul. Based on the H.P. Lovecraft's short story The Dreams in the Witch House, WITCH HOUSE blurs the boundaries between reality,dreams...and the beyond.

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