喜剧片 蠢爸萌妈变错身 HD

别名:Swap Me, Baby

19 次观看时间:2023-05-23 15:34:54


别名:Swap Me, Baby

演员:Ava Bogle,法尔克·亨特切尔,Kimberly Leemans,Charlie Thiel

导演:Caden Butera





  Lily, an uptight business woman and Philippe, a larger than life French mushroom tripping gigolo are 8 months pregnant. Their therapist recommends a nature getaway at a remote cabin. Their little weekend trip turns into a hilarious adventure when Philippe stumbles upon a magic box that swaps out their souls. Lily and Philippe are tasked with riddle after riddle not only to get their own bodies back but to also get a better understanding of their opposite and what they have to offer as parents.

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