24 次观看时间:2022-09-27 17:20:03
导演:Luis Ara
Perú: tesoro escondido is a documentary genre film about the secrets of Perú. The millinery culture of their ancestors, the beautiful landscapes, the tourist places and other places not yet discovered by the tourism and culinary culture, one of the richest in the world, stands out in this story. The documentary tells a story of a journey through culinary culture, beaches, the Amazon and the cultural heritage of the civilizations that inhabited Peru. Throughout the film, part of the geography and society of Peru is portrayed. The documentary focuses on five main areas: culinary culture, beaches, the Cordillera, the Amazon and the cultural heritage of ancient civilizations. This story focuses on highlighting the best known icons of the country, such as Machu Picchu, and others not so well known and difficult to access. The film is dressed with impressive images of the Ica desert and the sunrise in the Amazon jungle.
别名:Hidden Gems
别名:母亲和女儿 | 隐藏日记本 | 隐藏的日记 | Hidden Diary
别名:隐秘的恋情 | A Love to Hide
别名:隐秘的恋情 / A Love to Hide
别名:隐藏的生活(台) | 隐匿生活 | 隐秘生活 | 拉黛贡德 | Radegund
别名:隐藏的生活(台) / 隐匿生活 / 隐秘生活 / 拉黛贡德 / Radegund
别名:Explanatory Gap
别名:纽约灾星:第二部分 / The Jinx: Part Two / The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst
别名:PorschArm的婚礼 / 波施昂姆的婚礼
别名:梦想改造家 第十一季 / 梦想改造家11
别名:Spectacles of Life