别名:凤凰崛起 / Dominique: Rise of the Phoenix
导演:迈克尔·S·奥加达 Michael S. Ojeda
Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption. Facing brutal attacks from the police and mafia, Dominique must decide whether to protect herself or an innocent family that has taken her in.
别名:Phoenix Rise
别名:凤凰城 | 菲尼克斯
别名:美国队长4:勇敢新世界(港),美国队长:无畏新世界(台),美国队长4:新世界秩序,美队4,Captain America 4,Captain America: New World Order
别名:The Grey Men Ⅱ
别名:红海行动2 / 红海行动2:蛟龙行动 / 红海行动2:虎鲸行动 / Operation Leviathan / Operation Hadal
别名:封神第二部 / 封神三部曲之魔道争锋 / 封神三部曲2 / 封神演义系列·龙之战2 / Creation of The Gods Ⅱ: Demon Forces Demon
别名:射雕三部曲1,The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Great Hero
别名:毒液3 | 毒魔终极一舞(港) | 猛毒最终章Last Dance(台) | 毒液3最后之舞 | Venom 3 | Venom vs Spider-Man
别名:台北追缉令 / 周末逃亡计划 / The Weekend Escape / Weekend in Taipei
别名:地狱男爵扭曲人的袭击 | 地狱男爵驼背人
别名:危机救援 | High Forces