剧情片 方托马斯 DVD

别名:芳托马斯 / 方托马斯 第一集 / Fantômas I : À l'ombre de la guillotine / Fantômas: In the Shadow of the Guillotine

时间:2022-04-15 22:36:04


别名:芳托马斯 / 方托马斯 第一集 / Fantômas I : À l'ombre de la guillotine / Fantômas: In the Shadow of the Guillotine


导演:Louis Feuillade





  Fantômas makes it as the emperor of Crime. First is the robbery at the Royal Palace Hotel. Then he abducts Lord Beltham. As Fantômas' fame increases actor Valgrand creates the rôle of public enemy No.1 on stage. Eventually Inspector Juve, with a little help from Fandor, arrests Fantômas and he is soon sentenced to die on the guillotine. But... Written by viktor-18

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