演员:Ye Jianwei,Chen Ke,Liu Ruicheng
导演:Dou Xiao
A kid rushed into the Shaolin Temple and defeated some monks as proof he was qualified for being a disciple of Shaolin Abbot. Shaolin monks refused his request. The Shaolin Abbot was touched by seeing his knee down in front of the Shoalin temple for three days. The Abbot sent him to plant vegetable fields as a start of kung fu skill practice. Meanwhile, the kid was eager to lea...
别名:少林寺传奇第二部 / 少林寺传奇2:十三棍僧 / 少林寺传奇之十三棍僧救唐王
别名:侠僧探案传奇6 / 少林寺探案传奇之醉玲珑 / Of Monks and Masters: Woes at the Winery
别名:侠僧探案传奇9 / 少林寺探案传奇之将军府 / Of Monks and Masters: At the Generals Manor
别名:侠僧探案传奇10 / 少林寺探案传奇之大夜叉 / Of Monks and Masters: The Yecha Clan
别名:侠僧探案传奇8 / 少林寺探案传奇之催命符 / Of Monks and Masters: Spell of Death
别名:侠僧探案传奇7 / 少林寺探案传奇之开封府 / Of Monks and Masters: Trouble at the Central Office
别名:侠僧探案传奇2 / 少林寺探案传奇之王陵之谜 / Of Monks and Masters: Mystery of the Tomb
别名:侠僧探案传奇5 / 少林寺探案传奇之洛阳花会 / Of Monks and Masters: Struggle in the Wulinclen
别名:死侍3 | 死侍与死党 | 死侍与狼人(港) | 死侍与金钢狼(台) | 死侍3死侍与死党 | Deadpool 3 | Deadpool & Friend
别名:P计划 / 我不是熊猫 / Panda Plan
别名:危机救援 | High Forces
别名:台北追缉令 / 周末逃亡计划 / The Weekend Escape / Weekend in Taipei
别名:红色一号(台),Red One拯救队(港)
别名:底师兄2 行刑师(港) / 辣手警探2(台) / Veteran 2