别名:Moje djetinjstvo, moja zemlja - 20 godina u Afganistanu(ALJAZEERA BaLKANS)
23 次观看时间:2023-05-16 18:49:11
别名:Moje djetinjstvo, moja zemlja - 20 godina u Afganistanu(ALJAZEERA BaLKANS)
演员:托尼·布莱尔,Lyse Doucet,罗伯特·盖茨,Mir Hussain,哈米德·卡尔扎伊
导演:菲尔·格拉布斯基,Shoaib Sharifi
In 2014, director Richard Linklater released Boyhood, a fictional coming-of-age saga that was filmed using the same cast across twelve years. This film mirrors that concept: creating a real-life epic of boyhood and manhood that follows the same individual over 20 years, living in one of the most dangerous countries in the world. When we first meet Mir, he is a mischievous boy of seven living in a cave in central Afghanistan alongside the Buddhas of Bamiyan, two statues that were recently destroyed. For two decades, the film follows the adventures of his life, until, as an adult with a family of his own, he decides to pursue his own career as a news cameraman in Kabul. More than just a personal journey, My Childhood, My Country is an powerful examination of what has – and has not – been achieved in Afghanistan over the past 20 years.
别名:我记得 / 想当年(港) / 阿玛珂德(台) / 当年事 / 童年事,我记得 / 我记得,想当年 / 我的回忆 / I Remember
别名:克劳德斯汀的童年时光 / Clandestine Childhood
别名:Our Childhood
别名:阿汉正传(港) / 我的名字叫罕 / 我叫可汗 / Khan
别名:阿汉正传(港) | 我的名字叫罕 | 我叫可汗 | Khan
别名:Explanatory Gap
别名:纽约灾星:第二部分 / The Jinx: Part Two / The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst
别名:PorschArm的婚礼 / 波施昂姆的婚礼
别名:梦想改造家 第十一季 / 梦想改造家11
别名:Spectacles of Life