欧美综艺 亨利八世的六个妻子 已完结


71 次观看时间:2022-04-27 20:39:52



演员:David Starkey,Andy Rashleigh,Julia Marsen

导演:Denise Perrin





  The women who married Henry VIII have become defined
  not by the way they lived but by the way their lives ended.
  They are seen as victims of a bloated tyrant, deserving pity, but not
  respect. However, have we under-estimated them and are historians right to
  have merely portrayed them as bit-part players in Henry's story?
  Using dramatic reconstruction and passionate narration,
  eminent historian and presenter Dr David Starkey focuses
  on the stories of the women themselves, revealing in
  intimate detail their experiences of sex, childbirth and the glamorous,
  dangerous life at court, including the deadly intrigues that dethroned

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