In 1672, two witches (Jennifer and her father Daniel) were burned by puritan Jonathan Wooley. In revenge, Jennifer cursed all future generations of the Wooley family, that the sons will always marry the wrong woman and be miserable. In the 20th century, a bolt of lightning frees Jennifer and her father from the tree that had kept their souls imprisoned. Jennifer assumes corporeal form and decides to make up-and-coming politician Wallace Wooley, then unhappily engaged, even more miserable by getting him to fall in love with her before his wedding. Wallace is a straight arrow, though, and Jennifer has to resort to a love potion. As we all know, love potions tend to backfire, with comedic results.
别名:Outstanding Heroine
别名:A dissolute woman spy
别名:The Notorious Landlady
别名:曾风流 | 女人不好好读书是要嫁人的
别名:The Law and the Lady
别名:“骗骗”喜欢你 | 恋爱局中局中国版 | 真心骗徒 | Honey Money Phony
别名:骗骗喜欢你 / 恋爱局中局中国版 / 真心骗徒 / Honey Money Phony
别名:唐人街探案1900,唐人街探案前传,唐探前传,Detective Chinatown 1900
别名:武道事务官 | 武术官 | 黑带警官 | Officer Black Belt
别名:魔咒 / 咒语 / 分裂 / 着迷 / Split