喜剧片 黑麦巷 HD

4 次观看时间:2023-04-23 10:59:37


演员:戴维·荣松,薇薇安·奥帕拉,波普伊·艾伦-夸姆比,Charlie Knight,西蒙·曼勇达,Blue Lab Beats,Alex Blake,Levi Roots,Paul Jordan,Eliah Ibazebo,Amir Jamal,Sophie,Alexis,穆尼亚·查瓦瓦,Karene Peter,迈克尔·达帕卡,爱丽丝·休金,里维拉·吉迪恩,加里·比德尔,George Taylor,奥马里·道格拉斯,凯恩·艾登






  Dom and Yas’ paths collide at the least opportune time: when Dom (David Jonsson) is ugly-crying in a toilet stall, steeling himself for an awkward meal with his ex, who cheated on him with his best friend.  Nursing her own breakup wounds, freewheeling Yas decides to jump headfirst into the fray to lessen the sting as Dom’s date. What follows is a day of impulsive and joyous mayhem, as these two twenty-something Londoners roam Peckham through karaoke bars and playgrounds, all the while inching towards the possibility of opening their hearts again.
  For her visually inventive feature debut, director Raine Allen-Miller launches us into a playful and vibrant world, shaping a romantic comedy that celebrates meeting the right person at the wrong time. Nathan Byron and Tom Melia’s fresh characters leap off the page at breakneck speed in the hands of Oparah and Jonsson, channeling all the frustrations of swiping fatigue while holding onto the hope of finding the real deal. Much like its namesake in the beating heart of South London, Rye Lane is irresistible.

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