剧情片 连环裸尸案 HD

别名:The Victim | Macchie solari

时间:2024-04-23 01:29:56


别名:The Victim | Macchie solari

别名:The Victim | Macchie solari



主演:MimsyFarmer , BarryPrimus , RayLovelock , CarloCattaneo






西蒙是一位在停尸间工作的年轻病理学家,但却有深度的幻觉症,经常看见停尸间死人复活的错觉。由于工作需要她转往了意大利发展,并结识了他的男朋友,摄影师爱德以及一个神父,此时太平间运送来了一具疑是自杀者的尸体,但神父确定这具尸体并不是自杀造成的,而是另有其因。此时西蒙的幻觉又开始膨胀,死去的死者复活并指引她寻找可疑的线索,随着谜题的解开,真相令所有人大吃一惊…… 此片拍摄的开放脱俗,算是意大利艳情片中的上乘之作。影片伊始那一连串血腥的剖尸镜头和香艳镜头足以吊起广大观众的胃口,其中音效与画面的安排也是非常出色,极大地弥补了剧情上的不足之处。可惜导演从这部影片以后再也没有拍摄能够吸引眼球的佳作,实在可惜。 A pathology med student and a priest team up to investigate a wave of suicides blamed on sun spots and discover a number of them to be actual murders. Simona Sana is a young pathologist whom works in a morgue in Rome, Italy which gets with with a wave of violent suicides which are attributed to a summer heat wave. Driven to exhaustion from the intense heat and the long hours worked, Simona struggles to complete her college theses about natural deaths when one suicide victim is brought in the morgue in which a young Catholic priest named Paul Lenox who identifies the corpse as his sister, but that did not commit suicide, but was murdered and set up to look like a suicide. Simona teams up with Father Lenox to solve the mystery and stay one step ahead of a mysterious killer who now begins to stalk her when Simona gets a little too close to the truth of the suicides. When the city of Rome is rocked by a wave of violent suicides, a young forensic pathologist (Mimsy Farmer of Four Flies On Grey Velvet)), wracked by hallucinations of the living dead, and a priest (Barry Primus of New York, New York), running from his dark past, begin an investigation. Together they uncover a deadly secret...and a chilling slab of unspeakable horror. Directed by Armando Crispino (The Dead Are Alive) and featuring a sinister score by Ennio Morricone (The Bird With The Crystal Plumage), this Euro Horror classic was cut by over 15 minutes upon its 1975 American release. Now Autopsy has been restored from original negative materials and presented uncut and uncensored.
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