欧美综艺 启示录希特勒征战东方 已完结

别名:APOCALYPSE Hitler Takes on the East

36 次观看时间:2022-08-09 17:29:13


别名:APOCALYPSE Hitler Takes on the East

演员:马修·卡索维茨,Nathan Rippy

导演:Isabelle Clarke,丹尼尔考斯特尔





  June 1941, Hitler attacks the USSR: he wants to conquer this "Living space" which he dreams of for his Reich. It comes up against enemy realities: the vastness of the territory, the polar cold and the determination of a people with inexhaustible human resources. How far will Hitler take Germany?

启示录 希特勒征战东方 共2集

别名:APOCALYPSE Hitler Takes on the East

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