演员:格伦·福特,贝蒂·戴维斯,Hope Lange,阿瑟·奥康纳,彼得·法尔克,托马斯·米切尔,爱德华·艾沃瑞特·霍顿,米基·肖夫尼西,大卫·布莱恩,谢尔登·伦纳德,Peter Mann,安-玛格丽特,巴顿·麦克莱恩,约翰·利特尔,杰罗姆·柯万
Boozy, brassy Apple Annie, a beggar with a basket of apples, is as much as part of downtown New York as old Broadway itself. Bootlegger Dave the Dude is a sucker for her apples --- he thinks they bring him luck. But Dave and girlfriend Queenie Martin need a lot more than luck when it turns out that Annie is in a jam and only they can help: Annie's daughter Louise, who has lived all her life in a Spanish convent, is coming to America with a Count and his son. The count's son wants to marry Louise, who thinks her mother is part of New York society. It's up to Dave and Queenie and their Runyonesque cronies to turn Annie into a lady and convince the Count and his son that they are hobnobbing with New York's elite.
别名:Love Tactics
别名:Love Tactics 2
别名:胶囊计划3 / 胶囊计划 第三季 / 胶囊计划 第三届 / Capsules Season 3
别名:胶囊计划 第二届 | 胶囊计划2 | Capsules Season 2
别名:胶囊计划 第二届 / 胶囊计划2 / Capsules Season 2
别名:胶囊计划 第一届 | Capsules Season 1
别名:胶囊计划 第一届 / Capsules Season 1
别名:荒唐妙计俏娇妻 | 异想天开
别名:志愿军第二部 | 志愿军雄兵出击2 | 志愿军再起风云 | 志愿军三部曲2 | 抗美援朝(第二部) | 伟大的胜利2 | 战与祀 | The Volunteers: To the War 2 | The Volunteers: The Battle of Life and Death
别名:大乔小乔(电影版) | The Unseen Sister
别名:蓝色时期 真人版 / Blue Period
别名:虎狼之路 | 虎狼行动 | 大路与樱 | Tiger Wolf Rabbit | Tiger Wolf Road
别名:おいしい給食 Road to イカメシ